
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Gettin Ready for my First Craft Booth!

Sorry if you all feel like I've been neglecting you. I have been getting ready for my first craft booth. And the things you hafta think of.. Will I have enough? Did I make too many? What if I sell out? What if I don't sell anything? Wonder how many people come to this craft fair? What do I charge? AHHHHHH!!!

So many questions! I give myself a headache! LOL 

Here's a few things "we" have been working on. Since I have pulled in my re-enforcements!

And what a trooper! Only my "wonderful husband" was OH so kind to run to Menards at 9:30 at night to get me supplies for a new idea! Smooches!

Still gotta paint these little tables yet.... but it's all gettin there. 

I will post pics when its all complete and on display!

Wish me luck!!


Here was the first day! It wasn't set up like I had planned, but it worked. The old door table we had put together wouldn't fit in my truck after I had it all loaded up for departure. But that was minor. No biggie! I do feel bad for everyone that didn't have sand bags to hold down their canopies. The wind was pretty bad. 

But we will see what day 2 brings....

The proceeds from today's craft fair/fundraier went to...


  1. So exciting! You'll do amazingly well, I'm sure!

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  2. Best of luck to you! Our first show was so exciting and a little scary. But once everything was set up and looking nice, it was so much fun! And I've found that people are so fun to chat with. You'll have a great time! :) Can't wait to see pics of the booth!

    1. Thank You I will be sure to post them!

    2. I have updated! Check out the pics!

  3. I found your blog through Pretty Little Dahlia, thank you for co hosting this party.
    New follower here via GFC and Google+. feel free to visit my blog and if you like my creations I hope that you will consider to follow me!
    Nice to meet you.
    Marisa from

    1. Thank You for visiting and following!! Headin over now to give you a shout!


  4. How fun! Everything looks great!
