
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

~LINK UP~ Why and how I picked my Blog Name

Why and how I picked my Blog Name

Well this whole blog thing started when my cousin, aka road dog, and fellow junkin partner Marla kept buggin me to start one. Needless to say, she is one of my #1 fans!

MEET... Marla
~~(We have this little joke between us. Our grandma Shirley and her sister Betty were pretty close, and used to talk daily. Well, a lot like we do! So over time we have taken over the names Shirley and Betty. So when we found this clock, I had to take a PIC and share a giggle!)~~ 

She thought that this was a great way to encourage and inspire people out there with my projects. And of course I hate failure so I procrastinated till 2 months ago, and thought what the heck! Better to have a life of O'Wells than What if's RIGHT!?!

So mission one was to find a blog name. There were some crazy ones that were on my maybe list. But I thought, everyone asks me if I ever just stop and take a day off from projects? And I'm the kind of person that once it's in my head, it ain't gonna stop till I conquer it. Whether it's something around the house to a project that I seen on pinterest that I want to try and tweak. So needless to say my mind is a MAZE of ideas!


(pronounced: Minettees-Maze)

Lord knows that I'm still trying to figure this blog thing out still. But with help from fellow bloggers out there, they are always there to help! Thank Goodness!

Shelly Minette



  1. You've been nominated to a liebster award. I hope you visit my blog to answer the 11 questions here is the link:


    1. Thank You! But I have already been nominated. I'm not sure if I can receive it again?


  2. That sounds just as simple as my name! I cannot wait to see what projects you have in store! Thanks for linking up with us, can't wait to link-up in the future!

    1. I deff try to every week. I think I have only missed one week :( I enjoy reading all my fellow Husker blogs!!!!

      Thanks Shelly

  3. Love reading about how blogs get their names :)

    1. Thank You Alison. The Nebraska Bloggers Connect is a fun weekly link up! It's a different theme every week.


  4. Sorry I'm so slow at commenting on last weeks post! I'm so glad you have joined in on the fun!! I hope to see you again this week. This weeks theme is "your top 5 must visit blogs".

    Love your blog name! It's so fun getting to know you better!!!! Your blog name is very fitting!!!! We have a lot in common! I'm always doing fun projects! I look forward to sering more from you!

    Have a great week!

    1. Thank You Suzi! I like that we all have alot in common. And it makes me feel good to know you all are close to home. If that makes sense! Hope we all get to meet up someday!

