
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wall of Randoms (so far)

I wanted to share my wall of random things I have found along the way. This wall is right inside my back door. And none of it necessarily goes together but I just kinda of like it that way. 

The blue letter "S" is from an old sign that I got at The Junkstock. To the right of that is a picture that we got as a wedding gift and I put one of my favorite wedding pics in it.

The orange recipe tin is actually an antique that I got while I was out thrifting. I just really liked the color. Then we have the metal pig with wings sign that says "When Pigs can Fly" (HobbyLobby purchase). Because it was just too darn cute not to buy. And then there is a peacock picture, not sure why but I just like peacocks. 

The white canvases are a project my son and I worked on one afternoon. A great easy kid friendly project. 

I purchased the plain white canvases, and the paper fasteners at Hobby Lobby.
You can get various colors and sizes. I just had stuck with 2 different sizes in the same color. This was a VERY easy and fun project for Jaylen to do. (The bottom canvas is a robot according to him.) 

You just poke it through the canvas and spread the "wings" out so they stay in place.

The wall also has the shoe rack that I shared with ya last month! 

Let me know whatcha think so far...?


  1. You are on your way to a full gallery wall! I think collecting pieces over time is part of the fun. I'm a new follower and appreciate you hosting the Sunday Showcase link party.

    Christy @ Creating a Beautiful Life

  2. I love this idea! It all goes together, because it doesn't go together! Fantastic! I may have to steal this idea for my house when we move at the end of the month.

  3. Hi Shelly! Love this idea, you can take a memorable quote with you as you leave for the day! I noticed you live in Nebraska! I haven't found many bloggers from NE. I live in Denver now but grew up in Lincoln and then moved to Omaha as an adult. I'm a new follower, please visit me if you get a chance!

    1. Thanks for stoppin by, glad you found us!!!!
      Actually there is a group of NE bloggers that link up every week!! Check out,
      Don't be a stranger and link up every week!!


  4. I love the random wall so far!! It looks really good together with the bright colors.

  5. Stopping by from SITS - You have some very cool DIY projects - I love your shoe rack!
    Shashi @

  6. Stopping by from SITS - really creative blog you have - love your shoe racks!

  7. I like your shoe rack. The randomness works well!

    1. Thank YOU! And thanks for stopping by!!

  8. I LOVE this. I have things that need to be organized in a pretty way. This is GREAT! Thanks.

    1. Thank You Lynne! Sorry for delayed response.

  9. I love your wall of randoms! Personally, I'm not a fan of matchy-matchy walls, so this is definitely up my alley. And it's fun--screams a fun family lives there :)

    Stopping by from SITS and so glad that I did. You have so many fun projects on your site! Where do you find all the inspiration? (But thank you for it, btw... I am trying to do more craft projects!

    1. Thank You Charlotte! I actually do cruise Pinterest but I haven't had time to here lately. I think I do really just have an eye for projects. It deff kicks in when I'm stressed, I become a project machine! It's my stress reliever! Thank You for visiting and sorry for the delayed response.

  10. I love your wall of randoms! It's so much nicer than 3 flower prints from IKEA. Actually, you could call the wall above my desk also a wall of randoms (check it out:

    Lena @

    1. I just headed over and checked your out! Love the vintage look you gave it!

  11. A few years late commenting on this one...but have to tell ya...I love your blog and all of your very cool DIY projects! This wall is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
