
Thursday, September 12, 2013

DIY Brooch Mirror

 I have been slowly collecting vintage and new jewelry for awhile now. Some from thrift stores, clearance racks, and others from garage sales. I have gotten a lot of great ideas as to what to do with them. From drawer pulls to a decorative box or wreath. Which are all GREAT ideas!
Once I found this mirror I knew at least some of them were going on it!
 I found this old mirror at a garage sale for a whole whoppin $1!
(see my Harley sleeping in front of the door? LOL)

This is just some of the gems I have collected.

I used some wire cutters to cut the backs off. So they will lay flat on the mirror.

I then hot glued them to the frame.


  1. Great price I would do the opposite corner not all around it would be too much

  2. Shelly, I agree with Miriam - do the opposite corner and see how it looks. Another option is doing all four corners instead of the entire mirror. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Very pretty so far!

  3. this is very cute and seems pretty easy.

  4. This is so pretty! I would never have give the individual brooches a second glance, but clustered together on the mirror frame, they're stunning! Can't wait to see the finished product!

    Kim @ {enjoy the view}

    1. Thank you Kim! It's deff a costly project, so collecting them affordably takes time. Thanks for looking!

  5. Hi Shelly! I found your blog through the creative party over at Homework :)
    I love this project! Very unique and simple. I'd keep it as is!

    1. Thank You Amy! It's a tough decision! But I do have a lot more gems to work with. Maybe find another mirror?

  6. How beautiful! I love the pieces you chose for it-- they all work together so well! I popped over from Work it Wednesday-- thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)

  7. Beautiful! I love vintage brooches! I would go all the way around, how stunning that would look! Found you at work it wednesday.

    1. Thank You Carmen!! They are all brooches, earrings, necklaces!! Thanks for stopping!

  8. Wow - super cute. I disagree with the previous posters and would go all the way around the mirror - although I guess it depends on where you plan to use it in your house. I had all this really great old costume jewelry that used to belong to my great aunt that I stupidly sold at a garage sale when I was younger and have been wishing ever since that I had them back.

    Thanks for the great post!
    Visiting from Kammy's Korner link party.

    1. Thanks Susanne! I know it has taken awhile to get a collection, without spending a small fortune right away anyway. I bet you are kickin yourself, darn it Huh. I hate when I do stuff like that! Thanks for checking it out!!!

  9. Good Morning Shelly, I love vintage brooches and have quite a few myself which I have collected over the years. I keep mine pinned onto cushions, but do you know, I absolutely love your idea of decorating a mirror, they look stunning.
    You asked the question, if you should continue decorating all the way around the frame. I have to say I would, I know it would take some time to complete the project, but wouldn't it be fun and you would have such a unique piece that no one else would have.
    Thank you for such a fabulous idea.
    Best Wishes

    1. Thanks Daphne! I think it would be stunning too, but I'm still in the great debate. Maybe that'll be a winter project to complete...? Thanks for checking it out!!

  10. Like that frame! I guess it would depend on the space it going into whether or not I added some to the rest of the frame. I like it the way it is, though. Thanks for sharing a great idea!

  11. Found you off of The CSI Project website. Holy moly I absolutely LOVE this idea! I was left with a bunch of costume-like brooches and clip-on earrings when my great-grandmother passed away, I can't part with them but wouldn't wear them either. What a perfect way to not only keep them, but display them as well! Kudos to you!

    1. Thank YOU!! Glad I could inspire an idea! Thanks for checking it out!
