
Saturday, November 1, 2014

DIY Sunday Showcase & Features and a special request...

Welcome to another week fellow DIY'ers!
I hope everyone had a safe Halloween! I just love seeing the little treaters come through with there costumes. It was a cold one here 34 degrees BURRRR! So all the kids had to layer and bundle up!

My sister and her little people always come up and trick or treat around our hood. You couldn't see my niece very well in the group pic so I had to share her cuteness in her own! Our little strawberry!

This week on MinettesMaze I shared a story about a local girl that lost her life to PH, Pulmonary Hypertension. Very sad story and often misdiagnosed deadly disease. 
Please read her story and show her mom Tina some support. She is giving away some T-Shirts to help spread awareness.

Click HERE to read her story and show some support

We would be Oh soo soo grateful!
Now on to last weeks feature picks..

My Pick..Pallet Wood Open Sign with Lights
This project is on my To Do list, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Joan from Scavenger Chic beat me to it, and did an amazing job!!

Katies pick..Faux Fur Stool

And just to remind you all to check out our DIY Sunday Showcase Pinterest Talent Board! We pin a lot more than just the features!!!
Now it's Linky PARTAY TIME!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  2. Hello sweet lady! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party. I always love to stop by. If you get a chance I would appreciate you swinging by our party that starts on Monday at 7 pm.
    Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls
