
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Aaron's Change

My hometown has just had one tragedy after another this last year. So so many loved ones lost.
Aaron Morehead
is one of those tragedies. 
Skateboarding and playing the drums were 2 of his passions. And let's not forget his 2 favorite colors
Pink and Orange!
I personally never had the chance to meet this young man. But as a parent, my heart broke. Our children are suppose to out live us. Well isn't that the way it's suppose to be?

My hometown is a pretty small tight community. And when tragedy strikes, they all pull together. Currently the residents in the community are trying to get a Youth Center funded and built.

But until then, Aaron's parents have wanted to do something for these children in the community. 

 Aaron's dad owns a trenching business and has a shop. They open the doors for any teen that wants to come and hang out every Sunday. 

A friend of there's decided to throw a Valentine Dance Party at one of these Sunday gatherings. And I was asked to create a sign to hang in the shop, and a little something similar to hang in their home And that they wanted to surprise them that night with my artwork. Talk about pressure!

Here's what I came up with

Above is a canvas painting for their home.
And below is a tin for the shop!

To see other custom tins I've painted check out:

Needless to say Aaron's were a HIT!!

 is dedicated to positively reaching out to all in order to support those affected, educate others, and hopefully prevent the suicide epidemic.
Aaron's dad continues to fight for this change in their community. A  building for youth to feel safe, open, and free to be themselves. Here's what he posted on his Facebook page after the Valentines Dance.

l will open their eyes and realize we are here for the long haul. We are not going anywhere. Let's make this Cass county lighthouse for change grow and get into a proper building that these kids need and have shown that they want!!! If anybody had any ideas how to make this happen please feel free to join our next meeting Feb 26 at 7 pm at extreme trenching shop 1100 race st. See you then


Kind words..

 I am absolutely touched by these paintings. The way you captured this Shelly Minette is amazing. I love the skate board ramp with the skateboarder wearing his hat on backwards, this is my son. I noticed that before anything else I think. I LOVE them both. Thank you so much, I truly appreciate the beauty put into these.
-Aaron's mom Shauna

Hello, you don't know me.. But I was at the shop on Sunday and I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me a place to hang out and have fun for awhile :) I'm looking forward to coming back!
-A friend of Aaron's

Just got back home from the dance at Joe & Shauna's shop, what an amazing night, lots of kids food and fun to be had by all . I want to Thank Shelly Minette for the amazing art pieces you did for us, they are amazing and we Love them !!! THANK YOU to everyone who helped out tonight, donated food, Thank you to Nick and Sherry for the music, and a special THANK YOU to MISS Ouida for putting this all together!!! You are a special young lady!!! You rock !! And as always Thank You to Joe and Shauna for all they do for the kids in this town , you two are amazing and there is a special place in heaven for you!!
 —Jamie Lesley

Thank you for asking me to create something so meaningful. You all have truly touched me. I think what they are doing for these kids is tremendous! There aren't many people like that in this ugly world we all live in.

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