
Monday, July 1, 2013

My Montana Wall Art!

DIY Montana Wall Decor

When we were in Montana, on our way back from Red Lodge. We had stopped at this little antique shop in the middle of nowhere. The man (I so wish I remembered his name) that owned the place was telling me the story behind this little shop. His father had collected "stuff" over the last 40 years and slowly Alzheimer's disease had taken him away. And if anyone knows someone with that disease, it's the saddest thing to watch anyone go through. As we were talking, he was telling me that he had a month to sell everything his dad had collected over the years. It absolutely broke my heart.

Well I purchased a few items from him. And one of them was these yard sticks. All were from businesses around Billings Montana. The man kinda gave me a funny look when I said I wanted these of all the things he had. What can I say I always look in the corner for that little something that the most people don't see. And I didn't know exactly what I was gonna do with them, but knew I wanted them. I thought they needed to be somewhere in our house, as a decoration of some kind. Because Billings MT has so much meaning to my husband and his family.

It just recently came to me, as to what I was gonna do with them. I got me a couple pieces of scrap felt, scissors, and the glue gun.

I lined all the sticks the way I wanted them displayed and glued them to the felt. So basically covered that piece of felt with glue.

And I used my favorite, Command Strips to hang on the wall.


This is my wall that I'm not exactly done with yet. But it's gonna be my "unique findings with meaning wall"! The letter "M" was found in Grand Island NE at a little odds and ends antique shop . And we were there for my son Christian's first Sate Trap Shoot Competition.

 The letter was off of a old billboard or store sign. I attached it to some pallet wood to make it stand out. 

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  1. I love how it turned out! And great story!!!!

  2. Thank You Suzi!!! The older I get the more I realize how important family and memories are. Or maybe that means I am officially old? LOL


  3. It is so very comforting to know that you cared about helping the man you met. Most people these days are so busy and wrapped up in their own lives that most of the time they don't really put themselves out to interact with others unless a catastrophe occurs. Family, doing good for others and respect are very important parts of our lives. Thanks for sharing and I love your yardstick project.

    1. Thank You!! I couldn't agree with you more! One of my favorite things is making people smile. And in that little conversation we had, I think he found some peace. We talked about Nebraska and I explained how much I truly appreciate the history of even the small things. He was such a nice man. I wish I would have got his name and address to send him a Thank You, but I didn't. Thank You Sande for taking the time to read this post. I really means alot.


  4. Love the yardsticks and especially enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing!
    ~Katie @ Upcycled Treasures

  5. That looks great! And I love your huge monogram. I've been searching for old yardsticks so I think you found a complete treasure. Thanks for linking up to Project Inspire{d}!

    1. Thank You, and yes they really are hard to find. Thanks for checking it out!!

  6. I Love your room! The yardsticks are awesome (I have an infatuation with yardsticks!!) LOVE your decor the whole room looks incredible!

  7. Love the way you used these! Featuring it tonight on the Korner. :)

  8. impressive wall art! how creative!

  9. Wow! That Monogram has such impact and I love the old rulers above it! Stopping by from the CSI Project

  10. Looks great. I love simple artwork that can be made by anyone. Nice job. I would love it if you would link this up to my new and improved link party that is going on now.

  11. Congrats on being the #1 CSI Project Top pick last week! Thanks for linking up! I would love to have you as a guest judge in the month of August. If you would like to be a judge emaail me at
    The challenges for August are:
    August 4th- Amazing Pillow Challenge
    August 11th- Thrift Store Turn Arounds
    August 18th- Back to School Challenge
    I would love to have you! I always enjoy your blog and projects that you share with us!

    1. OMG THANK YOU! I just emailed you about being a guest judge! Thrift Store Turn Arounds would be awesome! They are my favorite projects to do!

      Thank You again!! I love linking up with your party!!!!


  12. Shelly, I love your idea of creating a "wall with meaning"! Your yardstick art story was certainly touching. My Mom has Alzheimer's so I feel that man's pain.
