
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Relay for Life for Gramps

This last weekend my family and I participated in the Relay for Life walk in Le Mars Iowa in memory of our grandpa. 
He lost his battle with cancer in February of this year. From the time he was diagnosed to the time he made his trip home was a very short 3 months. In that time it brought us as a family very close and to realize life is just too short. 

This picture of grandma and grandpa was taken about 4 weeks after he was diagnosed. 

Below is a picture of grandma and grandpa and almost all of us grandchildren and great grandchildren. 

        Relay For Life of Plymouth         County

Le Mars Community Schools Stadium

The evening kicked off with a beautiful ceremony, including a few survivor speakers.
Below is their local boy scout troop  raising the flag during the opening ceremony.

We picked the color green for our team shirts because the was grandpas favorite color (well maybe not lime green LOL).

A few pics of our team in action!

Here are a couple other team areas. Very creative!! 

As the sun set I snapped this beautiful picture. 
And then we all lit our luminaries in memory of the loved ones lost.

Here are a few of our luminaries we decorated.
 You bought the bag and then you got to decorate it however you wanted.

During the event the local radio station was there jamin some tunes to keep everyone motivated. And here we are doin some dancing to keep the gang going (about midnight or so). 

This picture was taken by their local radio station KLEM 1410. My lil cousin and I are famous! LOL Well maybe not famous but not we made their website! 

What a fun evening with the family. And we are all looking forward to making this an annual event we all attend together.

In Memory of our Husband, Dad, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather.
You are very loved and missed!

Ted Snyder
12/25/1939 ~to~ 2/09/2013


  1. His legacy will now live through those he has left behind. Relay for life is a beautiful way tribute his life and memory

  2. Thanks for linking up! What a sweet and fun thing to do as a family! I love it! Back in the day we did Relay for Life in college (you know with our sorority etc.) but what a great idea to do it as a family in memory of your grandpa!

    1. Thank You for hosting! And yes we had an awesome time! Life is too short, you hafta enjoy time with your family and friends as much as you can! Thanks for coming over and checking it out!


  3. Relay for Life is such a great event! I love the "team color" you guys picked out, too! Thanks for linking up with Mommy Mondays Hop!

    1. Thanks for hoppin over and checkin me out!


  4. Thanks for joining Mommy Mondays this week!

    1. Thanks for coming over and checkin me out!

