
Sunday, April 27, 2014

DIY Sunday Showcase & Features

DIY Party Time!
Come see our feature picks from last week. We had some awesome projects to get you inspired!

This week on MinettesMaze,

In celebration of hitting the 500 followers on MinettesMaze Facebook Page, I'm giving away one my very own Junk Rescue Crew T-shirts! All you hafta do is like and share MinettesMaze on your page!! Hop on Over and share The Maze!
>Click Here<
 I shared with you an easy DIY project to refresh your wall decor. Easy and cheap! All you need to do is take a trip to Hobby Lobby!
Easy &Cheap Wall Decor
 I  also rounded up some Spring planting ideas from last weeks party! Are you planting anything yet??

Here are Features from last week!

Remember Please make sure you head on over and check out the DIY Sunday Showcase Talent Board! We pin your link ups there, and not just the features!! You may just be on there!!!
And please stop on by and show my co-hosts some love!! They would love to hear from you!


  1. Happy weekend!

    Thank you so much for hosting your fun party! Can’t wait to check out everyone’s creativity!

    ~ Ashley

    1. Thanks for coming by Ashley! Hope you find your next project!!

  2. Linking up for the first time! Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. We are all so glad you stopped by!!!!! Stay and snoop as long as you want!!
