
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Yup..I got Junk n my Yard

Summer is here, and flowers are in full bloom! I love how my yard looks this year. I have worked my tail end off but it's worth it! I wanted to show you all some junkin rescued treasures that are now in my yard! 

Here is my old wash tub that I have been on the search for forever! 
I was at my grandmas for Easter and I had mentioned that I was looking for one. Just so happened my soon-to-be-uncle had one laying around in his machine shed. That baby came home with me! Pretty dang awesome I know!! 
The little rusty bike was found at a garage sale last year for a $1! Rusty Perfection!

Here we this adorable old chicken feeder I got at Weston Primitive Co. I can't wait till all the flowers fill out, it's gonna be beautiful! 
And next to that I planted some grass in an old wheel borrow that I found at Junkstock Fall Show last year.

This is my little "In Memory of Dad" area in my back yard. My pretty flower vine has just taken off on an antique gate that I found junkin at the RustyChandelier in Missouri. They always have some great treasures.

And the rocks below it are what we brought back from the mountains in Billings Montana. What a great trip that was.

Check out this old milk can I scored at Junkfest Minden IA. Gorgeous and weathered to perfection.

This little blue insulator is a perfect small garden decoration.

Here is a a few roadside rescues. The screen door came from a dumpster up the street! I made my son get it while it was pouring down rain. He sure wasn't very happy with mom that day. LOL 
The fence came from a city cleanup pile. A friend rescued a few panels and brought them to me! Pretty sweet deal..FREE!
And then we have the cool spikey tractor discs. Aren't they the coolest?!

And of course we can't leave out my infamous DIY Pallet Deck!


  1. This is so cute. I'm looking at all the pictures and first that dry double sink caught me because we have one and I've been trying to decide what to do with it. Then I would look and think "Oh, we have that and that." Super cute! I'm working on the inside this year, but am pinning because outdoors in on my list for next year. Thank you so much for the inspiration! Your effort was well worth the benefit!

    Shannon ~

  2. How creative, I love being able to repurpose items I find on dump trips or on the side of the road. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
