
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best of 2014

I wanted to share a recap of an amazing year!

Thank you to everyone that visits and follows my crazy junkin adventures! Makes a girl blush. heehee

This year was a year of milestones and changes. This blog has grown far bigger than I ever even imagined. And all of you followers have made that happen. HUGE THANK YOU! 

I joined the Omaha Bloggers Group this year. It feels great to have that local go-to group and learn more about "the bloggy world"! Lord knows it is a learning process. 
Thanks to my friend Lisa from The Walking Tourists, I got the opportunity to participate in "Restaurant Impossible" filming here in Omaha last month. SUPER STOKED!!! What an awesome experience that was! The episode is airing February 16th! I hope I make the cut and you may just see me on TV! fingers crossed!!!!!!

After 14 years, I lost my job at our local hospital. Which was a game changer! But one door closes...another opens right?! To have spent the last 6 months chasing that "dream of junk" has been one heck of a ride! I have to put a BIG shout out to Mr MinettesMaze for supporting me all the way! He must really love me! Wink Wink!

 It's definitely a family affair
Here were the most 
popular posts from 2014!

Just want to say Thank You again for 2014!


  1. It's been a blast following your junking adventures Shelly and being part of the DIY Sunday Showcase with you. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2015. Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, Creative New Year!
    Marie@the Interior Frugalista

  2. What a fun year (other than losing your job)! Here's to a successful 2015 filled with many more junking adventures!
