Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Unique cross out of Pallet wood!

I had some pallet wood laying around. And there was a lady that was looking for a unique cross to hang on her wall! So of course the wheels started turning! 

I remembered I had this piece of pallet wood that still had some tree bark on it, and looked kinda like a bow tie. 

So I screwed the 2 pieces together. And wrapped some burlap around the center.

Hot glued the burlap, and even added a screw to help hold it all together. Not sure if it was necessary but it worked. Added a hanging alligator thingy.

Kinda cute HUH?!

Thanks for looking!! 

Comments make me smile!
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Pin Hop Linky Party #10

  If you are new to this hop Welcome! We are glad that you are here. Thank you so much for those who link up last week. Your are very creative!
Good news! your projects will be exposed to a wider audience. This means that your projects will be published and viewed at 5 different blog sites. Isn't that wonderful?
Hi, I'm Judy Hi, I'm Miriam Hi, I'm Shelly Hi, I'm Mandy Hi, I'm Claudia
Judy, Author of Pursuit of Functional Home Miriam, Author of My Adventures with my Two Kids My Photo About Pretty Little Dahlia
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Each co-host will get to choose 2 favorite projects from this hop that will be included in the Top 10 Features.
Interested in Co-hosting in June? Email me at do8urself@gmail.com
Just a simple To DO list:
  1. Follow your Host and Co-host.
  2. Don't just link and run. Pin the post BEFORE you.
  3. Leave a Friend your sweetest comment. Tell them you found them from Pin it Monday Hop.
  4. NO Blog hops or linky party, Etsy or Business Ad, and Give-away. Sorry, I will have to delete links that does not belong in this party. However, there is a specific party for this that happens every Friday - Breaking Rules Party (still open).
  5. Grab my button and place it anywhere in your blog or simply copy and paste the URL as link below your post .
  6. Please do not re-link project from the previous hop. Let us keep the collection fresh.
All projects will be pinned by your host.
May Sponsor!
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Gaye, is the woman behind Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
She is a wife, mother, sister and writer.
Calm.Healthy.Sexy is a place for married women who want to transform their hectic, hurried lives.
If you want to feel calm and relaxed (most of the time!), eat well and strengthen your body, and feel sexy and enjoy a great sex life with your husband, then Calm.Healthy.Sexy is for you
Don't forget to add Calm.Healthy.Sexy to your network and subscribe to her very inspiring articles.
By entering, you will be included in the mailing list. Please inform me if you don't want to receive any email reminders about this hop.
Let us make this party grow and get going.
Just a favor my pretties, please do not forget to PIN the post before you. Please PIN the source.
Pin It Monday Hop

Have fun pinning! 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Gettin Ready for my First Craft Booth!

Sorry if you all feel like I've been neglecting you. I have been getting ready for my first craft booth. And the things you hafta think of.. Will I have enough? Did I make too many? What if I sell out? What if I don't sell anything? Wonder how many people come to this craft fair? What do I charge? AHHHHHH!!!

So many questions! I give myself a headache! LOL 

Here's a few things "we" have been working on. Since I have pulled in my re-enforcements!

And what a trooper! Only my "wonderful husband" was OH so kind to run to Menards at 9:30 at night to get me supplies for a new idea! Smooches!

Still gotta paint these little tables yet.... but it's all gettin there. 

I will post pics when its all complete and on display!

Wish me luck!!


Here was the first day! It wasn't set up like I had planned, but it worked. The old door table we had put together wouldn't fit in my truck after I had it all loaded up for departure. But that was minor. No biggie! I do feel bad for everyone that didn't have sand bags to hold down their canopies. The wind was pretty bad. 

But we will see what day 2 brings....

The proceeds from today's craft fair/fundraier went to...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Link Up- Top 5 blogs to visit!

So this weeks link up is my top 5 must visit blogs!

Well that's alot harder than one would think. Here are 5 that I visit alot and inspired me to start this blogging adventure, via Pinterest.

And in no particular order.  

Savy Southern Style

Pink When

Stop by and show them some love!

Loves and Hugs!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Billings Montana

We got some terrible news a few weeks ago, that James's grandfather passed away. We knew this day was coming but you always think you have time.

George Tarmann lived a long 92 years. Loved wood working, had his own successful business, and a deep faith in god. He was married to the love of his life Lorraine for 71 years. 71 years....that's longer than a lifetime for some. And had 3 wonderful children, 6 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

During this trip to Montana, I learned soo much about this man that created one of the most AMAZING families. I listened to everyone tell stories about his quirky sound effects stirring his cream of wheat in the morning to being a pillar in his community. And the proposal he had for grandma...what a great story! He was off serving time in the US Navy and sent grandma a letter with an  engagement ring asking her to marry him when he got back. How romantic!

 And it saddens me that I never truly knew this wonderful man. You see, he started suffering from Alzheimer's about 6 years ago. And that was before I became apart of this wonderful family. I wish I would've got to know grandpa before the disease. But through the stories from loved ones, I feel like I do know him in many ways. I wish I could've hugged this man and said thank you. Thank you for such blessings all because of him!

Even though this was not a planned trip, maybe a blessing in disguise? Maybe George knew we needed this time to strengthen as a family. And what better to spend time than 13 hour car ride (each way) with our boys. And needless to say the typical brotherly fights were very few. We had our first family vacation. And I will say vacation because we tried to make the most out of our time we spent together. We heard stories about the family going to Red Lodge, Montana for day trips. And so my husband took the boys and I there so we knew why it was such a special place to them all.

Words can't describe the serenity there. Breathtaking!

The famous rock! Or I told the kids, it was a dinosaur egg. Gosh I love being goofy with my boys! 

It was a great Photo-Op! PUUUUSSSSHHHH!

You can tell these boys are mine. Always lil joke-sters!

As you can tell it started getting cool, so jeans were an order! Thank goodness my husband reminded us to bring em!